Curanderismo Hybrid Session
A hybrid session is perfect if you are unsure what kind of session to start or continue with.
We start with a platica (heart straightening talk) wherein you release what may be weighing heavy in your heart and mind and/or share your areas of interests as it may relate to mentorship. After the platica, somewhere towards the middle of the session, we decide what is the most ideal course of action for the remainder of the session. This can encompass:
- Soul Retrieval/Release
- A Limpia and/or Recommendations for Continuing Limpias
- Ancestral Healing and Reconnection
- Mesoamerican Divination Reading
- Shamanic Energy Clearing—Clearing Curses, Rescripting Contracts, Clearing Traumatic Energies and Illnesses
- Curanderismo Mentorship with regards to An Area You Are Interested In
- Guidance in Supporting the Transition of Loved Ones and Strengthening Their Soul Energies
We do what we can in the time we have, and it is tailored to your needs.
*The sessions can be done via Skype/Google Meet or Telephone. In-person sessions are also available in Tujunga, CA.