Intuition Development: Visual Awareness & Clairvoyance
April 13 @ 12:00 pm - 3:15 pm PDT
$50.00Visual awareness is the art of clear seeing (aka clairvoyance); receiving helpful, often invaluable, visual images to the conscious mind. Visual awareness can be spontaneous, and it can also be induced on cue through various methods.
At this Class You will Learn and Experience:
- Practical Ways to Become More Visually Conscious of Your Surroundings
- How to Stimulate and Develop Your Clairvoyance
- Induce Visual Awareness through Shamanic Breathwork & Relaxation Techniques
- How to Discern the Meanings of Any Visual Messages & Cues You May Receive
- Trance Journeys accompanied by Bowls, Gongs, Drumming, & Guidance to Deepen the Integration of the Material
Date/Time: 4/13, 12-3:15pm PDT (the recording will be available for 2 weeks after we go live)
Online RSVP: Send the $50 via venmo (erika-buenaflor) or zelle (erika.buenaflor777@gmail.com) & please provide your email address so we can send you the link to the class & the worksheets. The worksheets & link will go out 4/12
In-Person RSVP: Priority will be given to those that pay first ($50) & indicate they’d like to attend in-person upon payment. If you’d like to attend only in-person please email erika@realizeyourbliss.com to see if we still have spaces before paying. The worksheets & link will go out 4/12
Love Offering: if you lost your home or business because of the recent LA fires, this event is on the house. Email us at erika@realizeyourbliss.com to RSVP
Erika blends her 25+ years of practicing as a curandera, mentoring, and studying Mesoamerican Curanderismo. She has a master’s degree in religious studies with a focus on Mesoamerican shamanism and curanderismo. She has written Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo, Curanderismo Soul Retrieval, Sacred Energies of the Sun and Moon, Animal Medicine, Veneration Rites of Curanderismo, and created the Mesoamerican Oracle Cards. As a modern-day curandera, she excels at translating and applying this sacred knowledge to help her clients realize and live their BLISS.