Grounding & Stillness (9.R.)


The “Grounding & Stillness” Oil aids in connecting with the emotional state of our ideals, and cleansing negative thought patterns and beliefs. It also helps to still the mind, when our minds are in a hyper busy state.

Weight 0.126875 lbs


The “Grounding & Stillness” Oil aids in connecting with the emotional state of our ideals, and cleansing negative thought patterns and beliefs. It also helps to still the mind, when our minds are in a hyper busy state.

Our emotional and thought vibration always matches the frequency of the people and circumstances in our lives.  As we raise our vibration, either circumstances or people will fall out of our lives, or they will be inspired to raise their own emotional and thought vibrations and circumstances will adjust to match our own vibration.

Grounding into our emotional ideals often helps us to realize our bliss, even if we are unsure what this looks like, to give it a thought form. But, we can give it an emotional form.

This Meditation Oil is calibrated to hold the electronic vibration of the Ninth or Ruby Ray of Light; inspiring us to ground and be still in the emotional state of our ideals and cleanse negative thought patterns and beliefs.

The meditative or inner, and academic study of these mystical Rays of Light inspired us to invoke the anointing of the Magnetic Ruby Fires of the Ninth Ray of Light into this Meditation Oil. The Sacred Fires of the Rays of Light or Divine Consciousness have been said to burn away internal illusions that are contrary to the virtues of the Rays of Light, in this case, Grounding and Stillness into Our Ideals.

The received gifts or anointing of the Magnetic Ruby Fires will be calibrated to the person’s vibration at that now moment; the higher we raise our vibration, the more we can realize our infinite potential and Divine Consciousness. Meditation is an excellent way to release illusions and stressors, and help us understand and know our infinite potential.

All of these Meditation Oils were crafted with the intention to release stressors and illusions, and to help us realize our infinite potential.

Oils Used:

Most Prominent Essential Oils in The Grounding & Stillness Oil

  • Neroli. Calms any nervous apprehension. Reduces anxiety before any stressful events, such as an interview, public appearance, or examination. It is an antidepressant, antiseptic, antisposmadic, and a very gentle sedative.
  • Chamomile Roman. Is soothing, calming and is an antidepressant. It is an anti-inflammatory, and can be used to relieve muscular pain. It can also be used to reduce the redness of cheeks due to enlarged capillaries, but this could take a couple of months. It also used by many present day American Indigenous healers to clear negative energy, particularly with blends of rue, basil, and certain flowers.
  • Bergamot. Lifts the spirits, while at the same time induces a sense of calmness. It is a powerful antidepressant and helps to reduce mental anxiety. It is invaluable in treating infected skin conditions. A hot compress of bergamot can generally be treated to draw out an infection and promote healing. It has also been known to successfully treat respiratory and digestive problems.
  • Ylang Ylang. Is an antidepressant, aphrodisiac, and mild sedative. It can calm the nervous system and the mind, while still acting as a stimulant. It helps to reduce high blood pressure, and helps to slow down over-rapid breathing and an over-rapid heartbeat.
  • Lavender. Has a strong balancing nature. Massaged into the temples, it can help to relieve many kinds of headaches. Relieves muscular pain, whatever the cause is. It is an analgesic, antiseptic, antibiotic and an antidepressant.

All of the Essential Oils in The Grounding & Stillness OilNeroli, Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Lavender, Rosewood, Jasmine, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Grapefruit, Cypress, Spikenard, Frankincense, Myrrh, Rose Oil, Rosemary, Marjoram, Juniper Berry, Clove, and Ginger. The carrier oil is Almond Oil.


All of the Minerals and Crystals in each bottle of The Grounding & Stillness Oil
Ruby, Gold Tiger’s Eye, Apatite, Celestite, Citrine, Fluorite, Amethyst, Sylvite, Malachite, Galena, Garnet, Kyanite, Sodalite, Specular Hematite, Amber, Red Hematite, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Copper, Gold dust, Aqua Aura, Angel Aura, and Titanium Quartz

How to Use

Some of The Ways to Use The Courage & Power Oil

    • During a Massage
    • In a Steam Inhalation
    • Place 8-10 drops of it in a warm bath
    • Place it anywhere on your body that needs care, or just feels good to do so

Cobra Pranayama Breathing and Courage & Power Oil

Use the cobra breathing exercise and the meditation oil to quickly induce a relaxed or meditative state (alpha, theta and delta brain wave frequencies).

Cobra (acupressure points). Place the oil onto the palm of your hands and rub your hands together. Then, cup your hands over your face with the base of your palm slightly over your nostrils. Place slight pressure on: your temples with the index fingers, the middle and ring fingers slightly above your eyebrows, and the pinky fingers at the bridge of the nose. These acupressure points also help to relieve most kinds of headaches and help us to become more focused.

Pranayama Breathing: Keep your hands in the Cobra position and take quick breaths from the abdomen, while pushing in or contracting the abdomen. Bringing the breath to your chest. Count to either 11, 22, or 33, while doing the cobra pranayama breathing. After you count to 11, 22, or 33, then exhale out the mouth. (refrain from exhaling while doing the cobra pranayama breathing). Repeat this breathing exercise 3 times with the same set of counting to 11, 22, or 33.

Realize Your Bliss